Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So Me, Kyle and Bobbie were talking . . .

. . . about what a shame it is that this class has to end. Anyone can agree that having your writing critiqued by understanding classmates is far better than editing your own work.

And this class was truly fun. I love you guys. ^_^

So . . . does anyone want to start a blog or a group or something? Someplace where we can meet and discuss writing/share pieces of our works? Or even just continue on this blog if Prof. Cockrill doesn't need it for next semester?

I know it would benefit me, and I hope you feel the same way.

Lemme know. ^_^

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Info for Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hello fellow creative writers!

On Wednesday, we're going to be walking around Shelby Farms a little bit. We won't be hiking a long distance, but we will be walking so that we can take in the beauty of the place and possibly find something to write about. Please wear suitable shoes and weather appropriate clothing so you will be comfortable during our visit.

We will not be walking the entire time we're at Shelby Farms. At some point, we will find a nice spot to sit and talk (and eat brownies), so if you have a blanket that you use when you go on picnics, it might be a good idea to bring that. I have a couple of sports chairs which I will bring in case anyone wants to sit in a chair as opposed to the ground. If you have a sporting event chair, please bring it unless you are comfortable on the ground.

I mentioned brownies - I am making a batch for our trip, and will probably be bringing lemonade or something like that as well. If you would like to bring something to share with the class, please feel free. Also, don't feel as if you must bring something... that is entirely optional.

I will be driving my van, so six people can ride with me. We will be leaving campus at 2:15, so please make sure you don't miss the caravan!

I think I'm going to bring my camera to take some pictures of the park.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm sorry, guys! ! !

I've had massively bad allergies for three days now . . . and I couldn't even get out of bed on Wednesday. They're slowly improving, though.

I know we had our journals due, but is there anything else I missed that I need to make up???

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I just turned in my portfolio and already I feel like there is a huge burden off of my shoulders. Half of my work is done. It's saddening, exciting, and alleviating, all at once . . . don't you think??? ^_^

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Portfolio Question

Hi all,

I forget - are we supposed to put the same heading on things in our portfolio as we do on assignments we turn in? Name, date, course, etc...

Please let me know


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

an idea I had

Would it be all right to write a short story in the form of a letter???

I've been tossing around an idea, and I can't pinpoint what media to use for it. I was thinking that a letter form would be the most effective.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I've Got a Chronic Case of Writer's Block . . .

. . . which has not been cured by my usual remedies of listening to music, walking, playing a game or watching a show/movie.

I'm positively stumped on everything. I need to write for my portfolio.

How do you guys cope with it? Any suggestions on how to get rid of it???